Your income can only grow to the extent you grow! - English

 Why is your money blueprint important?



  • Have you heard of people who have "ruined" themselves financially? Have you noticed that some people have a lot of money, but they lose it? Or some people have great opportunities and start well, but then everything becomes a toy-toy fissure? Now you know the real reason. From the outside, it may look like unlucky, economic slowdown or bad partner or whatever. However, on the inside it is a different matter. If you have a lot of money, but you are not prepared for it from within, chances are that the wealth will not last long with you and you will lose it.

  • Most people simply do not have the intrinsic ability to make and hold a lot of money. They simply do not have the ability to deal with the challenges that come with much wealth and success. My friends, this is the main reason why they never have much money.
  • Your Blueprint of Wealth 

  • Lottery winners are the perfect example of this. Research has shown time and again that no matter how big a lottery winner is, most eventually return to their old financial state, that is, with as much money as they are comfortable with.

  • On the other hand, it is the opposite with those who become millionaires on their own. Note that when self-made millionaires lose money, they usually get it back in a very short amount of time. Donald Trump is a great example of this. Trump had billions of dollars, all his money was lost, but after a few years he not only found the lost wealth, but earned even more.

  • Why does this happen ? The reason is that although some self-made millionaires may lose money, they never miss the most important element of their success: their millionaire brain. Obviously, in the case of "Donald" it is his "billionaire" brain. Do you realize that Donald Trump could never be happy just being a millionaire? If Donald Trump's net worth was just one million dollars, how do you think he would feel about his financial success? Most people would be of the opinion that they might consider themselves bankrupt and financially unsuccessful!

  • That's because Donald Trump's financial "thermostat" is set at billions, not millions. Most people's financial thermostat is set on earning thousands, not millions, of dollars. Some people's financial thermostat isn't set at thousands, but hundreds, while others' financial thermostat is set even below zero. They're chilling terribly, but they have no idea why this is happening!

  • The truth is that most people never reach their full potential. Most people are not successful. Research shows that 80 percent of people will never be able to become financially independent or self-sufficient to live the life they want, and these 80 percent will never really

  • Can't even claim to be happy.

  • The reason is simple. Most of the people are living in unconsciousness. They are snuggling on the steering wheel. They act and think on a superficial level of life which is based only on what they can see. They live in the world visible only on the surface.

  • fruits come from the roots

  • Imagine a tree. Let's say this is the tree of life. There are fruits on this tree. Our fruits in life are the results we get. We see these fruits (our results) and they don't like us. They are few, small or they don't taste good.

  • So what do we habitually do? Most of us tend to focus more on the fruits i.e. the results. But where did those fruits actually come from? Fruits are derived from seeds and roots.

  • He who is under the earth creates the things above the earth. What is not seen creates what is seen. What does it mean? This means that if you want to replace the fruit, you must first replace the roots. If you want to change the visible, you must first change the invisible.

  • Wealth Principle:

  • If you want to change the fruit, you must first change the roots. If you want to change the visible, you must first change the invisible.

  • Of course, some people say that what you see is the truth. The only question I ask such people is, "Why do you people bother to pay the electricity bill?" Although you cannot see electricity, you can of course recognize its power and use it.
  • Your Blueprint of Wealth.

  • Huh. If you have any doubts about its existence, try inserting your finger into an electrical socket. I bet all your doubts will be cleared in a jiffy.

  • All I can say from my own experience is that what you cannot see in this world is more powerful than anything you can see. Whether you agree with this or not, but to the extent you do not apply this principle in your life, to that extent you will suffer. Why ? Because you are going against the laws of nature, by which things below the ground produce things above ground, by which things that are not visible produce things that are visible.

  • Man is not above nature, but a part of it. This means that when we follow the laws of nature and work on our roots, our "inner" world, our lives flow well. When we don't, life becomes difficult. .

  • In every forest, in every field, in every garden in the world, the things under the ground have created the things above the earth. That is why it is useless to focus on the ripened fruits. You cannot change the fruits that are currently hanging on the tree. Yes, you can definitely change the fruits you get in the future. But to do this, you have to dig up the ground and strengthen the roots. four quint


  • You must understand one very important thing that we do not live on just one plane of existence. We live together on at least four different lands. These are the four quadrats: the physical world, the mental world, the emotional world, and the spiritual world.

  • What most people never realize is that the physical plane is just a "printout" of the other three quadrants.

  • For example, suppose you have just typed a letter on your computer. You press the print button and the letter comes out of your printer. You see an error in the printout. You take out your trusty eraser and erase that mistake. Then you press the print button again, but again the same letter comes out and the mistake is there where it is.

  • Oh, how can this happen? You just deleted it! So this time 1 you get a bigger eraser and erase the mistake harder, longer. You also study the manual called Effective Erasing, which is three hundred pages. Now you have all the “tools” and knowledge you need. You are ready. You press the print button again, but what is it? Then 2 same printouts! “Cannot be!” You shout in surprise. "How can this happen? What's going on here? Have I gone mad?"

  • What is happening here is that the real problem cannot be changed in the "printout" i.e. the physical world. It can only be changed in the "program" i.e. the mental, emotional and spiritual worlds.

  • Wealth is the result, wealth is the result, health is the result, disease is the result, your obesity is the result. We live in a world of cause and effect.

  • Your Blueprint of Wealth

  • We live in a world of duality i.e. two sides of the coin, up and down, light and dark, heat and cold, inside and out, fast and slow, right and left. These are just a few examples of thousands of opposite poles. Without the existence of one pole, the existence of the other pole is not possible. If not on the left, is it possible on the right? It's just not possible. 7

  • This leads to the conclusion that just as money has "outside" rules, so must it have "inner" rules. External rules include things like business knowledge, money management and investment techniques. These are mandatory. But the inner game is equally important. An example of this is the carpenter and his tools. The best tools are important, but being the best carpenter who can use those tools efficiently is even more important.

  • One thing I say often: "It's not enough to be in the right place at the right time. You have to be the right person at the right time and right place."

  • so who are you? how do you think What are your assumptions? What are your habits and qualities? How do you really feel about yourself? How much do you believe in yourself? How do you relate to others? How much do you trust others? are you sure it
  • Do you feel that you are deserving or deserving of wealth? How much work can you do in spite of fear, worry, discomfort, trouble? Can you work even when you are not in the mood?

  • The truth is that your character, thinking and beliefs play a very important role in determining your level of success.

  • Stuart Wilde, one of my favorite writers, said: "The key to success is to build up your energy. People will naturally be drawn to you when they start coming in, hand them the bill!"

  • Wealth Principle: Your income can only grow to the extent you grow!


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