How to earn money from internet

 What is your blueprint for wealth and how is it formed?

  • How ? In short conversations I can identify your "blueprint" of wealth and success. Each one of us has a personal blueprint of wealth and success, hidden in our subconscious mind. and this blueprint

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

  • Nothing else determines your financial destiny as much.

  • What is the Blueprint of Money? It is similar to the blueprint of a house, that is, the plan or design of that particular house in advance. Similarly, your money blueprint is your pre-planned plan or program in case of money.

  • Now I want to tell you a very important formula. This formula determines how you generate your reality and wealth. Many highly respected teachers in the field of human potential have made this formula the foundation of their teaching. This is called the disclosure process and the formula is:

T- F- A = R

Wealth Principle:

Thoughts lead to feelings. Emotions lead to actions. Actions lead to results.

  • Your financial blueprint is the result of a synergy of your thoughts, feelings and actions in the field of money.

  • So how does your blueprint of wealth form? The answer is simple. Your financial blueprint is primarily made up of information or "programming" that you have received in the past, especially as a child.

  • Who are the original sources of this programming or conditioning? For most people, this list will include their parents, guardians, siblings, friends, respected people, teachers, religious leaders, media and culture. Let's think about culture. Isn't it true that some cultures

  • I have a certain way of thinking and working about money, while other cultures have a different policy about it. Do you think that the child comes from the mother's womb with his own view of money or is every child taught how to view money? Your guess is correct. Every child is taught how to think and act about money.

  • The same is true of you, of me, of everyone. You have been taught how to think and act about money. These taught things condition you and mold you. These become your automatic reactions, which last a lifetime. Of course, this will happen unless you intervene and alter your brain's wealth files. That's exactly what we're going to do in this book. This is what we do for thousands of people every year. At Millionaire Mind Intensive Seminars, we do this on a deeper and more permanent level.

  • We said earlier that thoughts lead to feelings, feelings to actions and actions to results. So an interesting question arises: Where do your ideas originate? Why do you think differently from the other person?

  • Your thoughts arise from the "files of information" that you have in your + brain storage cabinets. And where does this information come from? It comes from the programming of your past. It's true, the conditioning of your past dictates every thought that comes to your mind. That is why it is often called the conditioned brain.

  • Based on this understanding, we can now modify our disclosure process as follows:


  • Your Programming Your Thoughts
  • generates; Your thoughts generate your feelings; Your emotions generate your actions; Your actions generate your results.

  • So, just like with your personal computer, you should also take the necessary first step towards changing your results by changing your programming. How is our conditioning done? We are conditioned in every area of ​​life, including money, in three basic ways:

  • Verbal Programming: What did you hear as a child? Modeling (Following): What did you see as a child? Special Events: What did you experience as a child?

  • It is very important to understand these three aspects of conditioning, so let us consider them in detail. In Volume Two of this book you will learn how to properly condition yourself for wealth and success.

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